the art of love and loss
February 10, 2020, was the day my wife, Elizabeth Izant, entered the hospital. She and I were on a hopeful journey following her heart transplant five months prior. On March 1, she entered hospice and died March 11. This is not about her medical journey. This is about sharing stories and reflections about our life together. In our 29 years of marriage, we collected a piece of art or two each year, often in celebration of our marriage anniversary. Each day from February 10 to March 11, 2021, I shared an image of that art. And a story.
art above is by Michael McKee
Scroll to the bottom to read the posts in order, beginning with “Grace.”
The anthurium is an icon of life’s instance on being present, even in the face of death.
A collection of pottery pitchers displays the beauty that potters create out of a lump of clay.
Our marriage vows were the blueprint for weaving our lives together, both the joys and the sorrows.
Elizabeth treasured her year abroad at Durham, University, with wonderful friends and experiences.
Elizabeth and I marked our first marriage anniversary with a piece of art: a musical print.
Grace is encountered, received, and celebrated at Grace Lutheran Church in Wadsworth, Ohio.
There will never be adequate words for saying goodbye.